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TE Dermato .5 oz.

TE Dermato .5 oz.

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Proprietary formulas combining Vital force technology and Homeopathy. Intended for Research only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, nor cure.

 Promotes beautiful skin from problematic or chronic situations associated with the liver. 

Ingredients: Ledum palustra, Urtica urens, Lappa major, Sanguinarium nitricum, Selenium metallicum,Thuja occidentalis, Active factor of citric acid cycle of redox systems: alpha-Ketoglutaricum acidum, Fumaricum acidum, Natrum oxalaceticum, Ichthyolum, Formicum acidum, Organotherapy: Glandula suprarenalis suis, Hepar suis Cutis suis, Placenta suis, Funiculus umbilicalis suis, Splen suis, Pyrogenium, Sulphur, Corisone aceticum